The road Mo traveled

About M(o)e

Hi there! I'm glad that you're also curious. That's one of the reasons I love to travel and share stories. So let me tell you a bit more about my story.

Hi there! I’m glad that you’re also curious. That’s one of the reasons I love to travel and share stories. So let me tell you a bit more about my story.

My life has been divided between four different countries so far: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Canada and Germany. So I have a lot of different and sometimes contradicting influences in my life from all the different cultures I’ve been confronted with. This also led to my increased interest and curiosity about other cultures in general and hence the traveling.

After working as an engineer for over 10 years now and trying to squeeze in traveling a few times a year, I finally summoned enough cajones to take some time to travel for a bit longer. So I went back to Latin America and traveled southbound (or at least that was the plan) from Costa Rica for 101 days. I know that might not sound like a lot to a few of you who have traveled for months or even years, but it is a lot for a lot of people, including me. Especially because I didn’t know yet if I would enjoy traveling for so long. So was kind of curious about that too.

One of the reasons I love to travel is meeting other travelers and hearing their stories as well. This made me think about what I want to do next in life and one project I hope to start one day is open a Hostel. I got some great insights while traveling about starting and running a hostel, which I hope to make use of soon.

So now that you’ve made it this far, I’m getting a little curious about you!

Send me a message to share your story or just to give your feedback about the blog 🙂

PS. Here’s a link to a podcast I recorded with Weimin Chin for his project Funboat Dimplomacy.



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